Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ubiquitous Learning

Anytime - Anywhere - Any pace from Anyone.

I really like the idea of any pace - being able to rewind learning (if it is worth learning, it's worth capturing to make it accessible to more learners) to suit yourself and being able to speed it up has been so very helpful and I can see that is a huge benefit for my learners. Not only has my confidence grown I feel pretty proud of how much I have learnt over the last 9 weeks.

The benefits of ubiquitous learning is evident in the data showing that students who have the access to a device and internet is huge. Technology enables.

Reflective questions:

What are you proud of? 

I think I am most proud of how much I have learnt in such a short time. COVID helped me in that was as I had to upskill pretty quickly to be able to provide the online opportunities to our students. Also I was so pleased to have had a years worth of Manaiakalani training under my belt. I think it was very fortunate that we were in such a great programme. I know a lot of teachers who in no way felt as prepared for the online world as I felt I was.

What do you regret? 

I feel I worked very hard over the first Lockdown, through the 'holidays' and then into the new term and then back at school. I didn't feel like I let myself have a break and that may be what is contributing to how exhausted I feel today (maybe that was the exam - but who knows) I wish i'd taken time to smell the roses!

What have you taken forward into the 'new' era of schooling especially to support ubiquitous learning? 

I think all the skills I picked up over the lockdown time have continued as we have come back to school and strengthened as I have done the DFI.

Level 1 Google Exam

That was an intense 3 hours! I had 10 mins to spare. I felt reasonably well prepared and was able to navigate most of the questions but I felt quite frustrated as things wouldn't load which took up time and added to the stress of it all but apart from that it was not to bad! I have certainly learnt a lot both today and over the last 9 weeks.

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